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Relationship & Dating Anxiety/Stress
The challenges within romantic relationships and dating can be exacerbated by psychological factors such as Relationship OCD, where individuals experience distressing doubts about their partner and engage in repetitive behaviors, Relationship Anxiety/Stress, leading to unease and worry due to heightened sensitivity to uncertainties in the relationship, and Dating Anxiety/Stress, encompassing various obstacles like fear of rejection and past baggage, all of which can be addressed through therapy to gain insights and improve confidence in navigating these challenges.
Read more below:
Generalized Anxiety DisorderGeneralized Anxiety Disorder involves enduring and pervasive worry that lingers over time. This persistent feeling of anxiety often goes beyond specific situations and can be accompanied by a constant sense of unease, making it challenging to relax or focus on everyday tasks.
Social Anxiety DisorderSocial Anxiety involves an intense fear of social situations and interactions. Individuals with social anxiety may experience excessive self-consciousness and worry about being judged or humiliated. This fear can lead to avoidance of social situations, hindering personal and professional relationships.
Panic DisorderPanic Disorder is characterized by recurring, intense panic attacks that bring about overwhelming fear and physical symptoms like rapid heart rate, sweating, and trembling. These attacks often occur unexpectedly and can lead to heightened anxiety about having future attacks, impacting daily life.
Illness Anxiety Disorder (Hypochondriasis)Illness Anxiety Disorder, previously known as Hypochondriasis, is characterized by excessive worry and preoccupation with the fear of having a serious illness, despite little or no medical evidence to support this concern. Individuals with this disorder often interpret normal bodily sensations or minor aches and pains as signs of impending illness, leading to persistent anxiety and distress. They may engage in frequent self-examination, seek medical reassurance repeatedly, and exhibit avoidance behaviors to prevent perceived health risks. This intense preoccupation with health can significantly impact daily life, relationships, and overall well-being.
AgoraphobiaAgoraphobia involves an intense fear of situations or places where escape might be difficult or embarrassing. This fear can lead to avoidance of certain environments, such as crowded places or open spaces. Agoraphobia can significantly limit daily activities and social interactions.
Specific PhobiasSpecific Phobias refer to intense fears of particular objects or situations, such as the fear of flying, animals, insects, needles, blood, vomit, and heights. These fears can lead to avoidance behaviors and cause distress when encountering the feared stimuli. Specific phobias can impact daily life and well-being.
Contact us with any questions or to schedule a free 20-min. video/phone consult to see if we would be a good fit.

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